Pricing Pricing Simulator A retrospective-cum-prospective dashboard that lets the user simulate and optimize the price-demand-revenue scenarios.
Pricing Pricing Simulator - PnL Simulate the impact of change in base price on Margins, with scenarios for competition reaction to price change.
Retail Brand Performance analysis A powerful dashboard to visualize the market performance of various CPG brands with an ability to drill down from a geography to a sub-brand level.
Retail Performance - Business Unit Level Visualization showing overall Retail performance at a country level. Includes market share , Inventory and Sales growth.
Marketing Campaign Analysis A retrospective dashboard to analyze the effectiveness of Direct & Digital Marketing Campaigns with an ability to slice and dice across customer segments, creatives, touches, etc.
Marketing Media Spend A ’what-if’ simulator that lets the user simulate the media marketing spend/ metrics and study the outcomes in terms of Sales Volumes and Revenue.
Marketing Search Engine Ad Performance A Google Ads dashboard is a reporting tool designed to quickly let you know the status and results of your Google Ads campaigns
E-Com Performance Executive Dashboard An interactive multilevel dashboard aimed at executives, outlying the volumes driven and sales across client's e-commerce cannels.
E-Com Performance Deep Dive Deep dive into individual products being sold across the E-Comm portals. Comparison of sales and volumes driven by top and lowest performers.
E-Com Performance Inventory Understand the inventory status for products being sold on various channels and predict stockouts to plan replenishment.