Pricing Simulator

A retrospective-cum-prospective dashboard that lets the user simulate and optimize the price-demand-revenue scenarios.

Pricing Simulator - PnL

Simulate the impact of change in base price on Margins, with scenarios for competition reaction to price change.

Brand Performance analysis

A powerful dashboard to visualize the market performance of various CPG brands with an ability to drill down from a geography to a sub-brand level.

Performance - Business Unit Level

Visualization showing overall Retail performance at a country level. Includes market share , Inventory and Sales growth.

Campaign Analysis

A retrospective dashboard to analyze the effectiveness of Direct & Digital Marketing Campaigns with an ability to slice and dice across customer segments, creatives, touches, etc.

Media Spend

A ’what-if’ simulator that lets the user simulate the media marketing spend/ metrics and study the outcomes in terms of Sales Volumes and Revenue.

Search Engine Ad Performance

A Google Ads dashboard is a reporting tool designed to quickly let you know the status and results of your Google Ads campaigns

Executive Dashboard

An interactive multilevel dashboard aimed at executives, outlying the volumes driven and sales across client's e-commerce cannels.

Deep Dive

Deep dive into individual products being sold across the E-Comm portals. Comparison of sales and volumes driven by top and lowest performers.


Understand the inventory status for products being sold on various channels and predict stockouts to plan replenishment.